概要 https://www.coursera.org/learn/gcp-fundamentals-jp/home/week/1 courseraのクラスのメモ レッドチーム演習 セキュリティを高めるため、サービスに攻撃を仕掛けセキュリティの有効性を確かめる演習 U2F(Universal 2nd Factor)
Decision Tree Summarize decision trees to decide which gcp services you should use in a certain circumstance.
Compute option GCP offers a multiple compute services.
Here is a list of those services and how customizable/managed they are.
Decision Tree
Firebase When you’re a mobile or html developer and want the least amount of server-side code possible, you should choose Firebase.
Firebase provides Database, Storage, Functions/Services, and Hosting with a little code.
Infrastructure Setup Guide This document outlines the steps for building a deployment environment for a web service on using AWS and Terraform. Infrastructure CI/CD is also achieved through Terraform Cloud and GitHub Actions. Basic explanations about Terraform are provided. Please note that the information in this document is current as of December 17, 2021. The tools you are using, such as Terraform and Terraform Cloud, may have been updated, so
インフラ構築の手順書 Terraformを使いWebサービスのデプロイ環境を構築していく際の手順を記述する。 Terraform CloudとGithub Acti
chapter 1 サーバーというのは、「Linux」や「WindowsServer」など、サーバー用の OS をインストールしたコンピュータのこと VPC AmazonVirtualPrivateCloud の略。ユー