Software Design

Designing Data-Intensive Applications

What’s this article about These are my notes on a book called Designing Data-Intensive Applications. SSTables and LSM Trees(P.76) SSTables (Sorted String Tables) are files that contain a set of arbitrary and sorted key-value pairs. SSTables and Log-Structured Merge Trees are still used in some database. As a rule of thumb, LSM Trees are faster for writes but slower for reads than B-Tree indexes. B-Trees The B-Tree is the most widely used indexing structure.

OOP Random Notes

Intro Random notes of relating OOP Terminology Parameter A parameter is a named variable passed into a function. Parameter variables are used to import arguments into functions. The difference between parameters and arguments Function parameters are the names listed in the function’s definition. Function arguments are the real values passed to the function. Parameters are initialized to the values of the arguments supplied. MDN Parameter Override Overriding a method means


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8 Abstract Factory 抽象的な部品を組み合わせて抽象的な製品を作る 実装 抽象的な部品 Item link と tray のスーパークラス link と tray を同一視するためのクラス caption field はこの項目の見出