Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm

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What is Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s Algorithm is the algorithm to find the shortest path between any two vertices in a graph.

Dijkstra’s Algorithm will find the shortest path from a given starting vertex to every other vertices in a graph.

Dijkstra’s Algorithm


Prepare a table to have the shortest distance from a starting vertex and previous vertex.

Initialize two list of visited and unvisited nodes

Let the distance of a start vertex from the start vertex 0.

Let the distance of all other vertices infinity


  • Visit the unvisited vertex with the smallest known distance from the start vertex
  • Check its unvisited neighbors
  • Calculate the distance of each neighbor from the start vertex
  • If the calculated distance is smaller than the known distance on the table, update the shortest distance
  • Update the previous vertex for each of the update distances
  • Add the current vertex to the list of visited vertices

Until all vertices visited

Implementation in Python

from graph import Graph
import sys

nodes = [

init_graph = {}
for node in nodes:
    init_graph[node] = {}
init_graph["Reykjavik"]["Oslo"] = 5
init_graph["Reykjavik"]["London"] = 4
init_graph["Oslo"]["Berlin"] = 1
init_graph["Oslo"]["Moscow"] = 3
init_graph["Moscow"]["Belgrade"] = 5
init_graph["Moscow"]["Athens"] = 4
init_graph["Athens"]["Belgrade"] = 1
init_graph["Rome"]["Berlin"] = 2
init_graph["Rome"]["Athens"] = 2

graph = Graph(nodes, init_graph)

def dijkstra_algorithm(graph, start_node):
    unvisited = set(graph.get_nodes())
    shortest_path = {}
    previous_nodes = {}

    inf = sys.maxsize
    # Initialize shortest path with max
    for node in unvisited:
        shortest_path[node] = inf
    # Let the starting node 0
    shortest_path[start_node] = 0

    # while there is any unvisited node
    while unvisited:
        current_min_node = None
        # Find the node with the lowest value
        # It will get the starting node as its value is 0 for the first time
        for node in unvisited:
            if current_min_node is None:
                current_min_node = node
            elif shortest_path[node] < shortest_path[current_min_node]:
                current_min_node = node

        # Get outgoing edges from the current min node
        neighbors = graph.get_outgoing_edges(current_min_node)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            # shortest path to the current min node + distance from current min node to neighbor
            temp = shortest_path[current_min_node] + graph.value(
                current_min_node, neighbor
            if temp < shortest_path[neighbor]:
                # If it's the shorter path, update the shortest path table
                shortest_path[neighbor] = temp
                # Update the previous node table as well
                previous_nodes[neighbor] = current_min_node
        # Once you have checked all neighbor for the current min node, remove current min node from unvisited set
    return previous_nodes, shortest_path


Dijkstra Algorithm - Single Source Shortest Path - Greedy Method

Graph Data Structure 4. Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm

Implementing Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Python